Sunday, October 4, 2009

Sunday, October 4, 2009


3/4 BW Front Squats
Ring Dips


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. #140 front squats
    Used purple band for ring dips
    Ab mat for situps

    Used the band to get the full range of motion on all dips. I seem to cut myself short on dips when I start to fatigue so I wanted to cut that habbit.

    Time 22:45 didn't feel my 100% best, I think I could have done better if I got some sleep last night. Under 2 hours doesn't cut it.

  3. Are those diet cokes sitting in the corner of the photo...shame...shame!

    When you've got a cold...trim down on the fish oil a bit...otherwise it's hard to keep on top of the nose bleeds (I'm at 5-7g /day)

    Did a light WOD to start getting back into the swing after a weekend off with a cold.

  4. Diet coke is totally Paleo....LMAO
