Friday, November 6, 2009

AMRAP in 25min
200m row
10 KB swings
10 Push Press 115#


  1. 3 rounds @ 115
    4 rounds @ 100
    how many rounds did you get in at 6am Chris

  2. wow...that was totally a low blow cam!...I totally missed the boat in coming this morning...No excuses...I'll hopefully be in at 5 tonite...chris

  3. 1 round @ 95, 2 rounds @ 85, 6 rounds @ 75
    I hate Ryan Harris, a lot

  4. As Rx'd slightly over rx'd

    Start the first 2 reps with 2 35's on and I thought they where 25's. Didn't realize it until after I started. So wasted a bit of time then.

    Did 8 rounds as rx'd.

    Started slow, paced myself used the rows as recovery more then anything. Still opened it up at the end. Managed to pull the last 10 reps on the push press, without a rest.
