Wednesday, November 4, 2009

1-1-1-1-1 Shoulder Press

3-3-3-3-3 Push Press
5-5-5-5-5 Push Jerk


  1. 145#

    Did 1 rep max on monday for shoulder press because I just wanted something quick. So a little less weight then normal for me.

  2. Well got to ramp it up for the affiliate cup right!

    I think this was the one that hit me the hardest. I became aware of the last 2 days workouts with in 2 min after finishing this one.

  3. Nice rye, beats my 115 but i got 355 on my deadlisft today, it was ugly but i got it lol. ask paul

  4. Ya you got to ramp it up for the cup!! I did this one today and finished it off with 145. I need to work on being a better jerk for sure
